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El Grito

 Food Truck

to Our Site

Welcome visitors, want to eat good quality and tasteful foods, you came to the right place. We provide the most thought out and carefully preparation to satisfy your taste buds.

Our  Delicious Dishes

Who We Are
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 Who  We Are? 

El grito se fundo en noviembre de 2019 con la ayuda de los miembros de la familia que contribuyeron con la idea de compartir y vender los deliciosos huaraches y quesadillas hechas a mano de nuestra encantadora chef Imelda, que ahora es la actual propietaria de esta empresa. Imelda es nacida en Santa Maria Coatepec en una pequeña cuidad situada en Puebla. Decidió empezar su pequeño negocio con la oportunidad de compartir conocimientos en la cocina y crear algo con la marca de El Grito. Este es un negocio operado por familia que ha sacrificado mucho para proporcionar un servicio con el sueño de tener un restaurante encantador. Un restaurante donde podemos expresar nuestras ideas y mas de cualquier cosa que nos expresemos a través de nuestra comida. Con la esperanza de inspirar a los demás y ayudar a la gente disfrutar la comida Mexicana. Nuestra  comida está llena con una vision muy auténtica y artística que hace la comida muy rica, deliciosa y único.

Asada Huarache El Grito 🇲🇽 #Elgrito #h

El Grito was founded in November 2019 with the help of family members whom contributed with the idea of sharing and potentially selling the delicious dish of huaraches and quesadillas hand made from our lovely chef Imelda, who is now the current owner of this company. Imelda is from Santa Maria Coatepec, small town located in Puebla. She decided to start her small business with the opportunity of sharing her knowledge in the kitchen and building a future with El Grito brand. This is a family operated business whom has sacrificed a lot to provide a service with the dream of having a lovely restaurant. A restaurant  where we can express our ideas and more than anything express ourself's through our food with the hope that we inspire others and help people enjoy themselves. Our food is filled with very authentic and artistic vision that makes so confronting, delicious, and unique.  



Our Special Catering Services? 

We also provide special catering services for any types of events. Contact us for any question you may have. 

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Quality Food On-The-Go


For Catering ONly

To Order

10616 Hawthorne blvd, Inglewood ca 90304 
Any Questions?
Feel Free To Contact Us!  

Thanks for Contacting Us!

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